April 4/06
Well !SPRING! is here! I'm loving skating street spots again not
so much loving carrying a broom around with me but still mint. Me and the boys have been bringing ramps into a tennis
court to skate with the smooth and sand free surface. We need a park thats got the same smoothness as a tennis court,
fast but with grip. Also the a-s-b-i video should be out soon but i'm kinda lazy and I got mad homework this week so
i'm thinking by the end of April at the latest. Well I don't really got much to say, I'm gonna edit the site more often
too and the name that trick is now name that skater but other than that go skate...
Feb 3/2006
Haha I never post and when I do its random bullshit that nobody reads anyway...But when I'm bored
I post for you all to read when you're in the same position. So I guess there is a purpose? Pehaps it should be
called the Boredom Randoms? or maybe "the randoms that mean nothing and have nothing in particular to do with anything"
I don't know... Well umm let's see here.. As of Feb 1st there was only 49 days till the 1st day of spring YEAH!! which
means Today (the 3rd) has 46! horay for math!! Like 3 days ago there was +7 weather:D I was so happy to bust out mad
tre's on rough sandy of all Me and Nick brought out the flatbar ohh shit son it was a grand ol' time...
But then the snow came...but now my road is kinda dry...I hope it dries up again...maybe i'll make a short movie for the Clip
of the Month called "Winter Session" or somthing show insane lines like fakie flip, switch frontboard (only half the rail
ofcourse) then a sick switch flip YAH! haha I think I will just to show how bad we got over the gay winter. Umm so...we
need a new poll...and new clips..and a new song of the week...and a new FIVE5 post..shit son I got a lotta work to do I'm
out peace...
Jan 06/2006
As if it's 2006 holy shit...Well we got some changes goin on this site such as: clips is now called
clips/pics(I don't think I need to explain why) and we changed the Trick of the Week to the Clip of the week cause we never
update it and nobody cares anymore...So check that out cause its gonna be intense. 3 more months of winter...Thats fucking
gay if you ask me, which you didn't. I Check out Nick Renauld's site for "NAME THAT SPOT", get to it quick cause there have already been like 4 spots done. Winter holidays
are pretty much over yay let's all go to school and do exams fucking sweet. Well i guess it's kinda cool cause you get
some days off... So now I don't know
what I want. Last and at this point in time least A-S-B-I will be completed for Spring 2006!
horrray I'm out peace yall
Dec 3/2005
Man, you people are on me like hawks for these if there are fans like that...
Well uh..Christmas yeah fucking sweet, like 3 weeks away...nice.
Anyone read that article in the paper about the 35-75 thousand dollar skatepark next year??
If so what do you think? I think that they arent gonna go as high as 75g's cause I mean think about it... We are lucky
to get 3thousand a year and 75 is like 25 times more than 3thousand...So if anything 35 would still be sick.. I think
we should just get a sickass cement park like legacy in Ottawa and get this shit overwith like fuck c'mon Pembroke help for
once... What else is in the latest shit oh ya WINTER!! FUCK!! I'm so afraid...I know SxS has mini pipe (only 5 bucks people) but I donno if thats enough
"street" for me u know? Like winter is what? 3 or4 months long? Thats three months without street skating :S well we'll
just have to wait HEY SHIT THATS IT!! New poll comming at ya "Will Pembroke Get a 35-75 Thousand Dollar Skatepark Next Year?"
shit man thats good...I'm off
Nov 8/2005
I decided to post cause of all you pansies out there that can't wait for me and
McG to update this shit. So, we decided to please you all with updates in the "Clips" "Trick
of the Week" "Song of the Week" and more soon enough. I am hoping to get the name that trick up and running, but I gotta
download a gay file converter so I can put that shit up. Umm let's see here... Pretty soon SxS' minipipe will
be used a hell of a lot more since gay winter is soon apon us. MOONLIGHT
MADNESS:NOVEMBER 15---MAD DEALSSSXS be there... I want to learn semi flips...My favourite
trick and I can't even do the fucking thing...A lot of argument as to whether people are still gonna keep skating for the
rest of this year and for next year...To that I say..don't be a bitch...If you don't skate, what
the fuck else are u gonna do when everyone else is skating and having I'm out. I leave you all with this thought....Frontside
flip,Frontside Hardflips, and Frontside Semi flips are all the same trick...or are they??żż??
Oct 17/05
There hasn't been much posting going on in this area and im bored so I thought i'd update the site
a lil bit. Halloween is almost here and the snows about to fly. People may not like it but it happens every year
and we have to live with it till we can get up and move to miami. The only other way is to beg and beg the city for
a god damn roof over the park it probably won't happen but if enough people hear about it and start agreeing with it we might
get a little help. And another thing what the hell ever happened to the lights the city were supposta put up like 2
years ago. The bunch of old shits should get there ass in gear and do what they said they would do before it gets out
of hand. Well it was fun to steal mats section of the site for the day and i hope he's not mad, but i have a shit load
of home work so i gtg and ill try to help mat keep this site up to date.
Sept 19/05
I've officially changed the name of this page from "ALMOST DAILY RANDOMS" to "RANDOMS WHENEVER THE
HELL I FEEL LIKE POSTING". Well, not that long but it should be. I don't get it really, it seemed like a good
idea at the time to post everyday. Then the shit piled up, video's, editing, filming, pain, editing the site, dealing
with trying to get sponsored(which I did) more pain, and some other junk. So, therefor the name will be changed.
Anyway, The premier of Steve Robinson and Jesse Albert's "THAT'S IT" was recently premiered that JJ's. And was
it ever Awsome. Holy shit, Jesse Albert kickflip front board the handrail and fakie frontside heelflip into the orange
wall bank..While Steve robinson, Switch crook the handrail and Nollie 270 into the orangewall. Much more than that aswell.
Matt Casey and myself also premiered a video "The Filler" which was just presented before "That's It". I think
it went over pretty good, if u got 3 bucks or a blank DVD i'll hook u up. Regarding this years video "A Stage Before
Intelligence", it will be finshed by next spring due to editing flaws...
thats all for me..
June 28/05
National Skate Day was awsome, cept for the fact that I sucked, oh well.. Today was the most pointless
day for me, I slept in, so there I lost some skate hours, then I go to Josef's hoping to backside flip it and I dont get it.
Then I go swimming and waste a few hours, so I eat and then Nick doesn't want to skate so we kill another 2 hours and then
it's 7:00 and I go to the park and almost get boardslide feebles on the handrail, then get tired and go swimming, like what
a fucking waste. Ah damn I was close to...But, when we did go swimming, Martin knocked Brad's board into the water and
Brad was soooo pissed, he almost punched him out like 3 times..So he's pissed. You'll probibly be hearing about that.
Hopefully, trick of the week (done by Matt Casey) will get up this weekend and the weekly poll(Ty McG) will be up too.
More updates everyday, keep watching the site.....
Okay don't tell me....
I know it's been a very long time since I have posted.....My bad...Oh well.. Yesterday, Brad,Nick,Dustin,Mike,Casey,
and myself went swimming, and we found this big ass water spider!

We decided to imprission it in a pop bottle and put another spider on it with baby spiders on it's back....then a dragon
fly. We went swimming again and came back to find the dragon fly dead... Once again we went swimming and found
the water spider killing the other one. I don't really know if they ended up killing it cause I had to leave, but I
saw a liter when I left.....
i gotta jet, bye...
March 10/05 Well, the 1st post on the new site, it feels absolutely
no different...Oh well. I sort of enjoy this site, it's cool and well i'm not sure what you all think but i'm down with
it faux sure. So, you should probibly check out the clips page, the Name that Trick, and Casey's Trick of The Week will
be up Sunday probibly. "Lynda". I hope to God that it does not
snow on this March break......I realize this is an unrealistic wish considering it is lightly snowing right now:( Well
as long as i get 5 days of skating thats not too bad....I guess...... I am happy to see that the weather is getting
slightly warmer, sort of anyway. OH! That reminds me, Check out the WeeKly POLL for a Skateboarding Vs. Rollerblading
poll. Let's see if we can't prove Josh Demerse wrong and tell him that his gay FooT Grabs or his Left Side 180's are
a sin against sports. Last thing, The word "KACHEE" (Kay-chee) is a new word, Invented by ALMOST rider Chris Haslam,
the word means Crazy or wicked/cool as far as I know. I feel the word is catching on, I have started using it for two
days now and about 5 or 6 people have said it aswell. Below is a link to show Haslam himself saying it....enjoy it or
die... Oh and about saying "Lynda" randomly, i told her
i would cuz she checks the site and I was proud, Keep up the good work Lynda....goodbye everyone..