New FIVE5 With the one and only Mccy G! comming so soon it should be there already...

Top five reasons why 360 flips are better than varial flips:
1)I find them easier
2)They look better (to a certain extent)
3)They sound like a harder trick
4)Most people learn varial flips first
5)I can do them
Top five reasons to not skate mini pipe: 1)I suck shit at it 2)I dont want to $pend the money 3)I would look like a fool compared to anyone
else(Nathan Rolfe) 4)It takes time, time is money 5)I want to...but I never get the time
Top five skate videos you've seen: 1)Its a close call but I gotta say Foundation-"Thats life" 2)RDS-"Skateboard
Party" 3)Transworld-"First Love" 4)Zero-"New Blood" 5)I would have to say "411 volume 13 issue 2"(Haslam has a part
so its highly recomended)
Top 5 reasons why you would skate stairs instead
of a straight drop: 1)I find them easier for
some reason 2)I find it easier with speed; stairs need speed, drops don't 3)Stairs look better 4)If I go to
slow on a drop I fall... 5)Umm I find them easier over all really
Top five songs off of skate vids nobody but
you would ever listen to: 1)I'll go with
Daewons Intro in "Skate More"- Bathtime in Clerken Well by ??? 2)The Sex is Hot 3)Black Betty by??? 4)Chinese Rocks by The Johnny Thunders-Jim Greco in "Baker
3" 5)I Can Hardly Stand it by??? -"Intro to Baker 3"

Top 5 tricks off launch ramp at the park: 1)Tre 2)Backside Bigspin 3)Backside
flip 4)Heelflip 5)Nollie Frontside 180
Top 5 Decks: 1)Element 2)Zer0 3)Rellik 4)Top of the World
shop deck 5)Media
Top Rail Tricks Landed :
1)Backside Lipslide 2)Switch board to Switch on handrail 3)Frontside Feebs 4)Overcrook 5)crookies
Top 5 Skate Vids You've Seen: 1)Hot Chocolate 2)RDS FSU(Fuck Shit
Up) 3)First Love 4)Yeah Right! 5)North 2
Top 5 Songs (most recent): 1)Wu Tang Clan-Truimph 2)Rolling Stones-Paint
it Black 3)Brass Munk-Big 4)Children of Bodem-Downfall 5)Ambulance LTD.-Anecdote

Top 5 Favourite Tricks (landed):
1) Heelflip
2) Bs Heelflips
3) Nollie Front Bigspins
4) Nollie Flips
5) Bs Full Cabs
Top 5 Best Tricks Landed:
1) Heelflip Front Board
2) Nollie Fs Bigspin (3 deck launch ramp)
3) Backside Heelflip (Wesley United Church gap)
4) Backside 180 5 set (General Lake School)
5) Fakie Lipslide Shove-it
Top 5 Favourite Artists:
1) Styles of Beyond
2) G-unit
3) Eminem
4) Interpol
5) Yellowcard
Top 5 sayings:
2) Fagget
3) Fuck you're dumb
4) You're a Gay Fag..
5) You're a Tool
Top 5 Favourite Skaters:
1) Chris Cole
2) Stefan Janoski
3) Ronnie Creager
4) Lindsey Robertson
5) Mike Taylor
HARSH BONUS* Brandon Bieble